目前,黃嫦芬博士擔任厚德管理顧問有限公司總經理,亦擔任聿信醫療董事。憑藉在Pharmaron Inc.運營高級副總裁、Vivasolis Biotechnology Co., Ltd.首席執行官和Pharmaron Beijing Co., Ltd.副總裁等領導職務中積累的豐富經驗。在分子生物學領域,黃博士於紐約大學獲得博士學位,成就卓越。
Currently, Dr. Huang Chang-Fen holds the position of General Manager at IIH Biomedical Venture Fund I Co., Ltd, leveraging extensive experience from leadership roles such as Senior Vice President of Operations at Pharmaron Inc, CEO at Vivasolis Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Vice President at Pharmaron Beijing Co., Ltd. Distinguished in the field of molecular biology, Dr. Huang earned a Ph.D. from New York University.